Info I Need From You: (Email to
1. What headshot background and how many people? (Options -Black, White , Grey(Dark or Light) , Outside Blurry.
2. Total Shot List
3. Final Image Sizes. It helps to know this before we shoot. Websites usually have specific sizes for images. Most people don’t know this and just make it work. It helps to know before but not terrible if we don’t.
4. I need your address and security info for the building.
5. My SUV is 6’4. Let me know if I can’t fit in your garage.
6. Pick a space. I need a long space for me to put lights and the background.
On Location Photoshoot Instructions
1 – Send a photo of you wearing the outfit you plan on being photographing in. Share this with myself and your Team Leader. If you don’t have one that is fine. Someone in your office should be the leader of the photo process. This will ensure that your wardrobe is most effective for your team.
2 – What is your good side? If you don’t know it’s ok.
Three steps to preparing for a business headshot. I break it down to wardrobe, hair and makeup and mental preparation.
Step 1. Wardrobe – The first thing to consider is if you are doing headshots to match a group or if you are free to do headshots without restrictions. If you are matching with a group it is important to know what colors or theme you need to match. For example your team maybe doing formal with a color theme of blue.
Men :
Formal – A suit is standard. Pick which fits best. The trend is no tie but if you need to wear a tie pick one that is not distracting and that is a pleasant color.
Casual – Polo shirts or short sleeve button downs are standard. The key is to look sophisticated but relaxed.
Formal – A suit or blouse.
Casual – Button down shirt, dress t-shirt, turtle neck or casual dress.
◦Colors that compliment your eyes, skin and hair
◦ Modern cuts, don’t be dated from the start
◦ Shirts that frame your face shape
◦ Form fitting clothing that doesn’t wrinkle
◦ Whats your office brand color theme
◦ Have a photo handler that will be responsible for downloading and sending retouching
◦ Guys bring extra ties just in case
◦ Too Colorful, too bold or too bright
◦ Busy patterns
◦ Out dated styles and cuts
◦ Stay away from white unless under a jacket.
◦ Avoid Baggy Clothing
◦ Avoid Clothes that wrinkle
Step 2. Hair and Makeup – Clean Fresh Natural
Men – I suggest men only use a makeup artist in extreme cases of uneven skin. Don’t use makeup unless you know what you are doing. Photoshop will fix most trouble spots. Do your hair as you normally would.
Women – Keep the hair natural. Style it how you would do it for a special event. Makeup should be natural and fresh. No distracting or strong makeup. Lips should be your lip color, even and matte.
Step 3. – Mental Preparation
Prepare your clothes and makeup/hair well before hand. Wear your clothes and do a dress rehearsal to make sure they fit well and to make sure you are happy with your wardrobe choice. Prepare as much as possible before the shoot so that on the day of the shoot you can relax and have no worries.
Be calm and confident. All you can do is be prepared. After that just relax. Confidence is key so don’t let your nerves get in your way. It’s just a headshot. Have fun. Enjoy it. It’s so easy. You have nothing to be nervous about. I’ll be coaching you through the shoot.