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Smiling for Your Commercial Headshot: A Guide for Actors
When you’re preparing to get headshots taken for a commercial or other acting gig, it’s important to think about how you want to present yourself in the photo. A lot of this will have to do with your smile. You need to make sure that your smile is warm, inviting, and genuine so that casting directors can get an accurate read on what kind of role you may be best suited for. Let’s take a look at some tips on how to smile effectively in your commercial headshot.
Relax and Breathe
The first thing you want to do when getting ready to take your headshot is relax and take some deep breaths. It’s natural to be nervous when having a professional photo taken, but by taking a few moments before the camera clicks to relax and breathe, you can clear your mind and compose yourself.
Think of Something Funny
If you start feeling tense or anxious when getting ready for your picture, try thinking of something funny or silly that will make you laugh and relax. Remembering a funny moment from a past audition or remembering a joke are great ways to get into the perfect state of mind for your picture. Laughing naturally helps keep the tension out of your face and brings out a more natural-looking smile in the photo!
Practice Makes Perfect
Another way you can ensure that you have the perfect smile in your commercial headshot is by practicing beforehand. Even if it feels silly, stand in front of a mirror and practice smiling until it feels right; this will help ensure that when it’s time for the real deal, everything looks great!
Smiling effectively can be difficult when having photos taken professionally; however, with these tips in mind—relaxing before the shoot, thinking of something funny, and practicing—you can ensure that your commercial headshot comes out perfectly! By following these tips, actors will feel confident and prepared when they show up on set with their headshots in hand! Good luck!
~Joshua Michael Shelton
“ Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow. – Imogen Cunningham
Headshot Photographers LA by JMS