Seems like most of us these days don’t live in the present. We are worried about what happened last week at the office or what will happen in the future after you finally get your Headshots. It’s hard to realized what we are doing in the moment. Our brains keep us busy worrying about things we have no control of. It is always a good practice in life or anytime you are in front of the camera to be present in the moment.
The present moment is alive with all possibilities. When we cut ourselves off from this moment we are in essence not living in our potential. There are a few techniques I’ve taught to people to enhance their presence in the moment. Try it out on your next shoot or any time of day. You can never do too much living in the moment.
So let’s say you come into my studio and your energy is going East and West. I would ask you to close your eyes and take deep breaths. I would also ask you to rotate your shoulders. This releases serotonin and relaxes you. With just a little break you can find the moment. It doesn’t take more than 3 or 4 deep breaths. When you feel recharged open your eyes and let it shine. Repeat this every minute or two. This will keep you refreshed throughout your shoot. It’s important to always come back to center when you are performing. It takes loads of energy if you are doing it right. If you are just staring at the camera then not so much.
Take your time. Be in control of your energy. Don’t let your mind think of anything except on how to relax and perform. Don’t think of the future or the past. When in front of the camera there is only the now.
Click This Link For A Guided Breathing Exercise I just did it and I feel great!
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